Casa Dulce Hogar.... Bienvenidos

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martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Jermaine, de French Kissed, me ha invitado a mí y otras amigas a su cena del Día de Gracias y yo llevo rosas de mi jardín.... Jermaine, from French Kissed, has invited me and other friends to her Thanksgiving dinner and I bring roses from my garden.

Esta preciosa mujer es la creadora de un sitio maravilloso,, donde ella misma expresa "French Kissed es una filosofía de diseño para gente con grandes ideas y poco presupuesto".  Jermaine se dedica a decorar las propiedades más impresionantes para luego ser fotografiadas para campañas de marketing "y luego regreso a mi humilde hogar y me siento contenta". Muchas gracias, Jermaine.
Para ver la invitación, pinchar aquí:

This beautiful woman is the creator of a wonderful site,, and in her own words she expresses "French Kissed is a design philosophy for people with big ideas and small budgets".  She styles the most amazing properties that are photographed for global marketing campaings "and then I return to my humble home and I am content".  Thank you, Jermaine.
To see the invitation, click here:

63 comentarios:

BellaRosa dijo...

Maria Cecilia, que rosas tan hermosas! La rosa es mi favorita flor, tambien de mi Ita :) Pero desde que la perdi, es muy duro para me seguir en mu jardin, este ano casi no tuve rosas, y se que mi Ita, estaria muy triste se las viera...Que es su secreto para tener las tan bellas y tantas? Gracias por las palabras tan bellas que me ha han hecho sonreir cuando he sentido tristesa :) I hope you understood what I wrote, I don't know how to put the accent marks so mi mama says that what I write doesn't always make sense :) Besos, Rose

Julie Harward dijo...

I just love Jermaine and you and your flowers! Have fun~Come say hi :D

My Castle in Spain dijo...

Holà Maria,
tu casa siempre me parece tan dulce especialmente con estas rosas maravillosas !
un abrazo muy grande..

Fleurette dijo...

Hello dear María Cecilia, thank you for your lovely comments!
Your roses are really magic!!!
Have a nice day
I send many greetings from Prague

Mirian Decorações dijo...

Que maravilha Maria Cecilia !
Isso denota que você tem extremo bom gosto.
O site dela é lindo, adoro detalhes.


Les Cotrions dijo...

Oh Maria Cecilia! If I invite you for dinner could you please take some roses for me too???? You friend is so lucky and she has a faboulous web-site!
A nice day to you!

Denise Auras dijo...

Lindas as rosas,também considero a flor mais linda para homenagear uma pessoa.Belissima postagem!!!Beijos Maria Cecília.

Cecilia - Titi dijo...

Que lindo eso de invitaciones, preciosa la página de Jermaine, pero más me gustan tus maravillosas rosas, que lindas que son y se nota todo tu cariño y dedicación por ellas, mi madre les habla cuando las poda y las riega, siempre me ha dicho que el contacto con ellas la hace muy feliz, creo que a ti te pasa lo mismo y lo trasmites, yo aprendí a amarlas a través de mi madre y aunque no las puedo cultivar en mi casa, cuando voy a la de mi madre salgo al patio trasero y las difruto mucho.
Cariños amiga y gracias por lo de la ventana de comentarios,

Hat Lady dijo...

Unas rosas deliciosas, salidas de un cuento de princesas ciertamente

Claudia dijo...

Quien más que tú María Cecilia, eres la perfecta embajadora de las bellezas naturales, tienes la conciencia de tu entorno y lo reflejas muy bien con los bellísimos arreglos florales, estoy fascinada mirando la página de Jermaine es una talentosa mujer, en el arte de la decoración.
pd.Te dejé un email, besos.

Claudia... dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia....que puedo decir de tus rosas...son lindiismassss y encanta ese bello colorido que tienes con tus rosas...
que tengas lindo martes..
un abrazo..

ale dijo...

buen dia!!!querida maría cecilia!!! pero qué linda invitación a comer que te han hecho!!!!!y OBVIO QUE QUEDASTE COMO UNA REINA CON LAS FLORES QUE LEs OFRECISTE!!qué buena idea!!!!!!!qué lindo su blog!!!
te mando millones pero millones de besos para VOS y tus rosas que me alegran el día!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vicki Lane dijo...

As always, I come to your blog to revel in the roses!

A Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Deb dijo...

Beautiful roses from your garden sound like the perfect gift to take to your friends Thanksgiving dinner. Have a wonderful time ♥

Tatyana@MySecretGarden dijo...

Your roses are lovely and your flower arrangements are spectacular, Maria Cecilia! I will visit FK blog for sure. Happy Thanksgiving!

Inspired Comblogulations dijo...

I think your roses are a beautiful gift to bring, perfecto,
Jermaine is as beautiful as your roses inside and out.

the gardener's cottage dijo...

Good Morning Maria Cecilia,

Your roses continue to be so gorgeous. How often do you feed them in the growing season? They are astounding in color and size.


p.s. Wishing you a peaceful holiday.

Monica dijo...

la verdad tanta belleza me deja sin palabras
me encantan las rosas
es una de mis flores preferidas

French-Kissed dijo...

Oh Maria Cecelia ~ your arrival with all of your glorious bunches of roses is a sweet sight indeed. I have never seen such a profusion of gorgeous garden roses and it is also wonderful to see you my beautiful friend! We will place these fabulous gifts on the table and all around the house and even on the veranda for all to enjoy. I can imagine with what sweet fragrance they will perfume the gathering. I will be in rose heaven and will have a better understanding of what it might be like to walk through your garden. I am touched and inspired by you and your roses and cherish the gift of your friendship. Thank you so very much my dear Maria Cecelia.


June dijo...

Oh Maria Cecilia I could stay here all day in your lovely garden and enjoy the beauty all around me. You have the most beautiful roses that I have ever seen anywhere. The wonderful way that you arrange them in all of the many grogeous containers you have makes it a feast for viewing. I am so glad that I can come here to dream of Summers past.
Thank you for such lovely words on my blog today.

Claudia... dijo...

Querida Maria Cecilia..jajaja mira tee xplico...esa caja que es para los la envio en un intercambio en bruto Titi...yo la decore la pinte y le hice decoupage...quise comprar mas en el lider que vi muchas pero ahora ya no quedan..buaaaaa..
eso es...jiji

Rosangela dijo...

Ola maria Cecilia!!! que imagens lindas muito preciosas, beijos querida.

ESTELA dijo...

Hay tipos de rosas que nunca las habia visto...
La variedad, los colores, tamaños, formas.. ¡QUE PLACER!
Un beso Ceci, gracias por pasar por mi blog!

Lilla Blanka dijo...

Hola María Cecilia!

Your blog makes me long for spring time ♥
Soo lovely photos!!!
Roses are my favorites, and my garden is filled with them in the summer, but now there are no flowers at all...oh I really long for spring and summer!

Thank you ♥

Jorgelina dijo...

Sigo enamorada de tus rosas....
Que tengas un feliz dia!!!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress dijo...

Your roses would make any table beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen so many pretty roses in a garden like yours before. They are such pretty colors and just make me happy to look at them.

Ana dijo...

Bellisimas Maria Cecilia. I am so jealous of your gardening skills, beautiful roses and awesome garden. Thank you for sharing such beauty. Also thank you for introducing Jermaine from French Kissed. I will have to stop by her blog and visit. Wishing you a wonderful day my dear friend. Until next time.


☼ Carolina ☼ dijo...

Hola linda!
maravillosas fotos y maravillosas rosas!! como siempre ... no dejas de sorprenderme con tus maravillas!!
sobre tu consulta: mejor te doy mi mail:

Brenda Pruitt dijo...

I would love to have you come visit me with a bouquet of your lovely flowers!

Draffin Bears dijo...

Hi Maria Cecilia,

I am happy to come and visit your blog. Your roses are the best I have ever seen... the colours are beautiful.
I too, enjoy visiting Jermaine of French Kissed and love it how she invited us to her thanksgiving party.
I was lucky enough to attend one also.

I hope that your week is wonderful

...con cariño dijo...

María Cecilia ,que lindo es sentirte perfumando con rosas ,este mundo bloggero ,le das belleza ,aromas de naturaleza ,y mucha amistad , que compartes ,me encantó el blog de Jermaine ,gracias por mostrárnoslo ,cariños para tí ,Pame.

Vicki dijo...

Hello, my dear friend,
Your friend will absolutely love the beautiful bouquets of roses you are taking for Thanksgiving dinner! Every picture takes my breath away! Have a lovely week and many blessings to you! Vicki

Simonetta dijo...

querida Maria Cecilia,

que lindas fotos!tuas rosas são muito exuberantes, elas agradecem e correspondem a toda a sua dedicação e criatividade! é demais!adorei "la silla rosa"!
você não faz idéia o calor imenso que está fazendo aqui... comprei um lençol cheio de rosas para dormir num jardim lindo como o seu.
aquela foto da janela é de um hotel de monmatre, a origem da foto está nos marcadores, abaixo do post. minha camera quebrou, estou providenciando outra, não vejo a hora de tirar de novo minhas próprias fotos.
que lindo o french kissed!
beijos beijos

Saskia ♥ Stipje ♥ dijo...

your blog is like HAVEN 2 my.
I love ♥ it so mutsh.
I wane thank you so mutsh for the sweet comment on my blog.
a big hug from holland Margarita (Stipje)♥

María Elena dijo...

Hola María Cecilia, siempre bellas las rosas. Me impresionó ver como lucen ante el muro de piedra, resalta su belleza mucho más.

Marie dijo...

You have arranged beautiful gifts for Thanksgiving dinner. You have pleased your host as well as yout readers. Thank you.

Bleudelavande dijo...

Hola linda Maria Cecilia, your roses are magic and wonderful!!!
Tank you for your lovely words!
I'm always so glad when you come to my blog!!!
Have a nice day

Inma dijo...

Son estupendas como siempre Maria Cecilia! como siempre.

Mirian Decorações dijo...

Maria Cecilia,

Fiquei feliz com sua visita hoje!!!
Eu estava vendo algumas fotos de jardins com vasos azuis em meus arquivos e lembrei de você e em fazer um post desses vasos para você, em meu Blog.

Beijos querida!

Anabella dijo...

Hola Mery!! Tus rosas me llenan el alma, me encantà visitarte, recièn pude compartir tu blog con mi Mamà q le encantò, estuvimos juntas dando vueltas por tu jardin!!
Estoy super feliz!! de estar en mi familia...en mi pais-
Tomy por suerte ya sin fiebre..pero aqui sigue la lluvia...nada de Primavera!
un beso grande

Dreams and Decor dijo...

Such incredibly beautiful photos! Patti

Claudia dijo...

María Cecilia, me alegra mucho que el envío ya esté en tus manos, (demoró pero llegó)y que todo haya sido de tu gusto, mi tarea fue dejarte con una sonrisa y con eso me siento más que conforme, besitos, besitos para ti.

debi dijo...

What a beautiful post! I enjoyed the lovely roses!

Gypsy Purple dijo...


Sharon's Cottage Quilts dijo...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!! Your flowers are marvelous Maria! Such a delight! Thank you for introducing me to Jermaine, I love her site!! Blessings to You Sweet Maria, Sharon

koralee dijo...

Ahhhh...she is such a sweetie I so agree.
Your roses always amaze me with their beauty. I really have not seen roses as beautiful as yours!

Artemaniacas Maria y Maria dijo...

Mª Cecilia gracias por tu visita,que puedo decir de tus flores, son increibles,besos

Een sneller kloppend hart dijo...

Goodmorning Maria Cecília...I don't know where to start :)
How wonderful you got invited to this great Thankgiving diner! You are so blessed...I really wanted to see your face at that moment :)
About the bannerpicture ( who has changed again) no, it's is not that cold in Holland, at the moment it's about 8 degrees outside and raining, raining, raining...but I love to be inside with the kids in this kind of weather...especially burning the woodstove!
Everybody's still sleeping here and I'm burning candles and the stove, Love it!
Thanks for all your sweet comments...I truly love to read the way, my flu is almost gone, still a little tired but's impossible for mothers to be sick for long..I am doing much better and very much in the mood to visit charity stores again!
Wish you didn't live that far away...I would love to see your garden!
Looking forward to your pictures, byebye friend!

Warm regards, Veronique

Ps: If you visit this can see more pictures of my home :)

yolanda dijo...

Tus rosas fantásticas como siempre, y las tarjetitas una monada.
besitos y buen fin de semana

Rosita dijo...

Tus rosas son maravillosas, me habian contado de tu blog y de tus bellas rosas, pero son aún más hermosas de lo que imaginé, te felicito de corazón.
Buen fin de semana,

Simonetta dijo...

querida Maria Cecilia,
o calor aqui no Rio continua protejo dele com bom humor.sobre fazer colagens é como o seu jardim, muita observação acumulada e fazer, fazer,experimentar, se entregar para dar forma ao que passa na sua mente e no seu coração.
super fim de semana, je t'embrace

Les Cotrions dijo...

Ciao Maria-Cecilia! Thank yo for your always so sweet words!
Wish you a nice week end and enjoy your gorgeous garden!


Olá Cecilia,

Fico feliz por gostarmos ambas do "Gladiador". É um filme com muita força e emoção. E o actor Russell Crowe foi fantástico a desempenhar o "papel". Aliás, todos os personagens em qualquer filme que ele faz são excelentes. Para mim é um Actor de excelência!!!
Em relação às suas rosas, como sempre, são maravilhosas...
Desejo-lhe um óptimo fim de semana.


Niki Fretwell dijo...

GORGEOUS, Gorgeous roses...too much to take in on just one visit...I shall have to return for another dose later!
Have a lovely weekend,

Mane dijo...

Hola !!!
Pasé a agradecerte tu visita y tus lindas palabras y quedé enamorada de tu blog !! Tienes una casa preciosa y un jardín divino :)
Me encantaron tus enlozados y tus decorativos antiguos, en fin, es todo de ensueño !!

Espero que nos sigamos leyendo, yo estaré muy seguido pasando por aquí a deleitarme con tus bellas rosas.

Un abrazo,


CIELO dijo...

Me asombra, y me encanta ver que todavia tus rosas esten asi de bellas cuando aqui el invierno comienza a adormecer la tierra... que habra de esperar hasta otro primavera.... mis rosas quedan en el recuerdo de otras epocas, hasta que la naturaleza misma me las devuelva.... que delicia...

Te mando un abrazo


Eliane Zimmermann dijo...

I hope your blog is contagious and my roses will better florish next year. I would also love a bowl full of their fragrant beauty! but there is still ONE flower even if our november-nights are chilly! besos de Eliane

Twyla and Lindsey dijo...

Maria Cecilia, your roses are the most beautiful I have ever seen! You photograph them beautifully. My wish for you is a happy day! Twyla

Unknown dijo...

olá!!!Venho aqui para desejar-lhe ótima semana!! Tem selinho pra vc no meu blog.

Beadboard UpCountry dijo...

Hi Maria Cecelia!
I am so late in acknowledging your extroardinary and beautiful post! Can you imagine the flowers if we all just showed up at Jermaine's???
Surprise!!!HEHE.I delighted to put you on my blog list. Muchos Gracias.:)

Claudia dijo...

Dear Maria Cecilia,

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely comments! I am just now getting some time to read your beautiful blog. I love your flowers - such beautiful blooms! I will definitely become a follower of your blog. It is so nice to meet you.

Best wishes,

Rosy Inspiration dijo...

Your roses are beautiful, mine are still in buds, waiting waiting, lol! Thanks for the link.

ANNA PAOLA dijo...

Maria Cecília, adoro seu blog, sempre lindo , felicitaciones , bejos