Casa Dulce Hogar.... Bienvenidos

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lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Más flores de esta hermosa primavera.... Some more flowers of this beautiful spring.

Esta Flor de la Pluma es de floración más tardía ya que sólo tiene sol de la mañana... This Wisteria has blossomed later because it only has morning sun.

Los Dedales de Oro florecen de forma silvestre por todas partes en el lugar donde vivo... California poppies (Eschscholtzia Californica) blossom everywhere as wild flowers in the place where I live.

La flor lila es un Allium y tiene un fuerte olor a ajo, los conejos ni se acercan... Light purple flower is an Allium and it smells like garlic, rabbits run away from it.

Lavanda...  Lavender

Jazmin polianto

Flor de Lila.... Lilac flower.

Clematis blanca... White Clematis.

Quiero agradecer a todas las mujeres que se han interesado en mi blog, esto me anima a continuar y compartir mi jardín y mi casa.  Antes de abrir mi blog reemplacé las revistas de decoración por los maravillosos blogs de tantas mujeres alrededor del mundo que comparten sus casas y jardines, así como sus manualidades y creaciones, me pasaba horas disfrutando de todo lo que veía.
I would like to thank all women that have been interested in my blog because this encourages me to continue sharing my garden and home.  Before I opened my own blog I would be hours enjoying so many wonderful blogs around the world of women that share their gardens and homes as well as their handcraftings and creations. 

52 comentarios:

Vicki Lane dijo...

And thank you, Maria Cecelia, for sharing your garden with us! The lavender of the wisteria against the stone and the wood is completely breathtaking. And the golden poppies -- what beauty!

I love the bond that these blogs brings to women (and men) around the world.

ESTELA dijo...

Pero que flores!!!
Me encantaron el dedal de oro y tambien me gusto mucho el banco que tenes pintado de color lavanda... hermosisimoooo!!

My Castle in Spain dijo...

que belleza ! me encanta tu wisteria..hojala tendria uno asi!!
tu casa tiene un aire muy romantico...
que tengas una semana muy feliz !

ps:gracias por tu comentario...pues si diseño cosas de papel con mi novio

Julie Harward dijo...

Dear friend...I think you live in the garden of eden! Your flowers are so very beautiful...I can't believe how this earth is..winter coming on here and there it is wonderful! Enjoy them..I wish I could smell them in the middle of my winter!
Come say hi :D

Ana dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia,
Your garden is truly a master piece. I love all the beautiful flowers. So many vibrant and rich colors. I know that I could spend hours there just taking in all the beauty. Thank you for the tour of your beautiufl garden. Have a wonderful day. Hasta Pronto.


Tatyana@MySecretGarden dijo...

Gorgeous blooms! Wild poppies are such lovely flowers! Thank you!

the gardener's cottage dijo...

Good morning from Southern California Maria Cecilia,

Your garden continues to inspire me. We have many of the same flowers here, poppies, society garlic and wisteria. How wonderful to see it blooming across the world. We spent more time with our little Stella on saturday night. She is just like a delicate little flower.


ale dijo...

querida maria cecilia!!gracias a vos por dejarnos entrar a tu maravilloso jardín!!!!!realmente es un paraíso...cuanta vida!!!cuanto color!!!!cuánto amor para cuidar todo!!!!!!miles de besos para vos!!!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress dijo...

I'm so glad you share your beautiful gardens in your blog. It's so nice to see what is happening in other parts of the world, especially since you have Spring now!

...con cariño dijo...

que bueno que estä tu blog;lleno de maravillas y de mucha belleza natural;una linda inspiraciön para todas las bloggeras;cariños para ti ;Pame.

Vicki dijo...

Hello, Maria Cecilia,
I am so glad you show us your beautiful home and gardens! Thank you! Love, love, love those California poppies! They make me smile all over. I also love that pretty blue bench. That color of blue is wonderful! All of your images are gorgeous. Thank you so much for stopping by and for all of your sweet comments. They mean so much to me. Blessings, sweet friend! Vicki

Charo dijo...

El lugar en donde vives es una maravilla, tantas bellas flores por todos lados.

Sharon's Cottage Quilts dijo...

Sweet Maria~I could almost smell the fragrance of your garden as I viewed each and every beautiful flower! What a delight it has been for me to find your blog. I think perhaps you have created your own Eden there in Santiago. The mountains and hillside are wonderous, but I must say they pale in comparison to the splendor of your garden.
God Bless You Friend,

lia dijo...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. And what a beautiful flowers you have, oh the spring is in the air. Here it's raining al day long. But i'm feeling a little bit better.

lovely greets Lia

Les Cotrions dijo...

Oh Maria Cecilia! I'm so gelous both of your garden and of your...Spring!!! You're a so talented gardener! All your flowers are so lush and marvellous!!! Enjoy all this beauty!!!

Claudia... dijo...

Pushaaa Maria Cecilia..hubiera sabdio que no sabias te avisaba...buaaaa...nos hubieramos conocido tambien..bueno sera para alguna proxima ocasion...Sabes tenemos un grupo de amigas de Bloguer que nos juntamos una vez al mes...igual un poco lejos de donde vives peor por si te animas....mira tejemos,bordamos,cosemos,pintamos,copuchamos,comemos,pelamos,jajaja nos reimos etc etc etc lo pasamos super..llevamos un regalito y hacemos intercambio de regalitos..estamos casi todo el verdad que van llegando y yendo...nos juntamos en la estacion de metro Bellavista la florida...esto es en el Mall Plaza Vespucio...NO...nos juntamos en el mall adentro si no que en el boulevard de la estacionde metro...
si te animas para el mes de noviembre avisame...asi te mando mi celu..para cualquier cosa y si tienes alguna duda me escribes...

pd: a estas reuniones va una amiga que es como tu...plantera jajaja le encantan ñas plantas ella tiene otro grupo donde se juntan y hablan de plantas comprna plantas..hacen esquejes y no se cuantas otras cositas mas con plantitas jijiji
te mando un abrazote bien apretao...

María Elena dijo...

Hola María Cecilia, sigo admirando tu jardín, los dedales, y su aire tan silvestre me encantaron. A mi también me gusta ver las revistas de decoración, pero con la calidad de tus fotografías podrías aparecer en una buena revista de esta materia.
Un abrazo.

Lori dijo...

Maria, the beauty of your garden is never ending...the bright yellow flowers are so pretty and add such a nice contrast to your more pastel flowers...thank you for sharing:)

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Maria, we are so pleased to see your beautiful home and garden, new camera or old! It looks fabulous! Please continue to post your images and narrative. :-)

Carolyn dijo...

I am so glad you started your own blog.I enjoy seeing all the beauty in your garden especially since mine is being put to bed for the winter.
Take care,

sarah { abeachcottage } dijo...

wow, your garden, absolutely devine!!

would love to sit out with a cup of tea...

enjoyed my visit, thanks


Claudia dijo...

María Cecilia disfruto de estas lindas imágenes, las flores son unas de las bellezas tan sublimes de la creación de Dios, que gozo mirándolas desde la más preciada, hasta la humilde silvestre que crece en los prados sin cuidado alguno, me encanta tu blog porque tienes el mismo amor que le tengo yo a la naturaleza, a la tierra, sigue adelante tienes fieles seguidoras!.
El encargo ya está listo, espero que llegue bien, cariños.

Inma dijo...

Que bonitas son las flores amarillas, como se llaman? no sé que flor es.
Yo también ten en mi balcón dos plantas de Lavanda y la verdad que cuando florecen se ven de bonitas...
Quien pudiera tener tu jardín.
Por cierto muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog y por tu comentario, pasaté cuando quieras.
Un Besote.

Anónimo dijo...

I could just look at these beautiful photos all day~

French-Kissed dijo...

So wonderful having a friend on the "other side of the world". With your beautiful photos, I get to enjoy Spring twice a year!


Madame Sucre dijo...

this is a part of heaven!! love every single corner of this garden! you inspire me to work on mine!!

yolanda dijo...

Mi debilidad son las flores (bueno supongo que ya te habrás dado cuenta, porque mi blog esta invadido de flores),precioso post.

atelier cote jardin dijo...

Ton jardin est magnifique!!!!!
quelles belles fleurs,ici c'est l'automne
bonne fin d'après midi

Cecilia dijo...

It is realy nice to see all your beautiful flowers. Have a nice day.

June dijo...

I love seeing all the gorgeous things that you grow in your beautiful garden so far south from where I am. I love the California poppies growing everywhere. Thank you Maria Cecelia for your beautiful blog. I was like you before my blog. I loved to sit and go to blogs all over the world and see all the beauty out there.

Fifi Flowers dijo...

GORGEOUS flores!

Suzy's Vintage Attic dijo...

Your garden looks so beautiful, I love it! I could imagine myself relaxing there quite easily! ;-))
You obviously take great care with your garden and this shows.
Isabelle x

Marie dijo...

Your garden and your photography are so beautiful. The California poppies are a wonderful wild flower. I never saw them before. Thank you for the gorgeous view of your paradise.

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Tu blog si que está CABALLO. Besos y cariños, Ana

Anónimo dijo...

Maria Cecelia, you have the most beautiful garden and views I have seen. I love the cradle and the stone steps with the urns and flowers spilling out announcing spring. Your home is a dream. I m so glad to have you join me and I will also join you and put you on my blog list of friends. I too will be back... Thanks you for enjoying my humor and the miracle of my sons accident. God is so good.
I will be coming back to visit you again soon. It is so nice to meet you.

Claudia... dijo...

Maria Cecilia...asi te dicen ?
parece qe estamos las 2 en linea....antes con la emocion de contarte que nos juntamos y bla bla dije de tus flores...amo los dedalitos de encantaria que salieran aca..pero aca no..salen puras parras...jajajaa vivo donde antes estaba la viña cousiño macul...imahinate la tierra...mmm una delicia...
Con respecto a la foto de la revista...esa que esta tejiendo en primer plano...( ahhhhhhhhhhhh...jajaja) soy yo poh-.jajaja osea estoy en primer plano y y ademas salieron mis manos jajajaja..doble merito...jajajajaj toda fashion..jajajja
te mandare por correo depues mi celu..asi cuando te animes a bajar...jajaja estamos en contacto..para que llegues a la te arrepentiras..ya veras...
te dejo un abrazote biennnn apretao..

Trouvais dijo...

Hello Maria...thank you for the visit and comment. I love your picture collages on the side bar...and your beautiful header. Gorgeous photos, thanks. Trish

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ dijo...

Breathtaking Marie Cecelia, I'm just absorbing every picture, dreaming how I would love be there. Your home is gorgeous too.

Thanks for sharing all this Beauty, it's truly refreshing!


Anabella dijo...

Hola!! q Blog MARAVILLOSO!! Te voy a visitar màs seguido, un beso grande desde Roma

Bleudelavande dijo...

WAAAWWWW !!! Tank you for sharing the photos of your wonderful garden! It's a lovely way to dream alovely day of spring!!! Tank you also for your lovely comment to my post! Kisses

Rosy Inspiration dijo...

Yes, it is Springtime here in Oz. Thanks heaps for your kind comment, appreciate it. Your garden is awesome, I love love love Wisteria, but I haven't got around to adding that to my garden, coz I'll need to find somewhere for it to climb.

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Gracias María Cecilia, tus palabras me animan un montón. Quería aprovechar para darte mi enhorabuena por el exito que tiene tu blog y por lo mucho que ha crecido en poco tiempo. Muchos besos, Ana

Unknown dijo...

How magnificent. I love your photographs, but the wisteria makes my heart sing. We are in the middle of Autumn here, I do love Spring.

Marina Capano dijo...

Hermoso post hermosas flores, feliz primavera.

Inspired comblogulations dijo...

you are too sweet... your English is very good ... in fact better than some who live here ... I think we shall be good friends.
Thank you for joining me.
Your country is so beautiful... I showed your home to my husband and he said let's go there!
That is the beauty of blogging isn't it?
I will see you again soon.

lotusleaf dijo...

Maria Cecilia, your garden is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. California Poppies are very difficult to grow here- only professional gardeners grow them for competitions and flower shows.

Lee dijo...

Maria Cecelia, thank you so much for the comment on my website "Beloved Paintings" and my bog " Inspired Comblogulations"
you are the sweetest lady and I appreciate you letting me know you recieved my comments... I am usually not so much trouble. You are darling. I want to see your family room... how do I get to see inside your beautiful home. Where do I click? I am going now to find out.
Thank you so much for your sweet comments.

Lee dijo...

I should come with my paints and brushes to your country, I think I saw your entire blog and I cannot believe the beautiful post with no comments. I will sleep with a smile tonight after visiting your home I feel as though I had an overseas vacation in paradise.

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Buen fin de semana, María Cecilia. En cuanto a la fiesta de Halloween en España es como me cuentas de Chile o a mi al menos eso me parece. Besos, Ana

Chany dijo...

Maria Cecilia que lindo el comentario del mate yo soy igual que tú, tomo mate todo el día, quiero contarte que tengo una tienda para que tu la visites, tengo cosas muy chulas si quieres pasa porque hay mucha chatarra interesante ahí te dejo mi abrazo y estoy feliz y agradecida con tu visita. chany.-

Fifi Flowers dijo...

GORGEOUS photos!

*Ulrike* dijo...

Such a wonderful garden and home you have. The pictures are so delightful, and it makes me wish for early summer. Alas, the gardens need their sleep too so they can put on their show later!