Casa Dulce Hogar.... Bienvenidos

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sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

Cortando rosas y algunas otras flores de mi jardín... Cutting roses and some other flowers of my garden.

72 comentarios:

ESTELA dijo...

Que envidia!!
Pedazo de flores juntaste!! Ni en la mejor floreria!!

Chany dijo...

Hola amiga que bueno volver atu jardín y tu casa, te cuento que además de mi blog de reciclado tengo un blog más personal que se llama La casa de Chany

te espero!!!

Een sneller kloppend hart dijo...

Oh maria...your garden is so unbelievably beautiful!! I believe it's wonderful weather there in Chili isn't it? Wish i could be there in your garden drinking tea and talking :)
Those flowers with the enamelware is stunning to watch...I also ♥♥LOVE♥♥ these coffeecans and all flowery enamelware, wish I had more ( hihi)
Sorry about the translation..I hope you can understand a little of what I say...if you write to me in Spanish my translation gives me the most funny words ever!
But I understand it and sometimes I make my own version of it ;)
Here in Holland it's getting colder now, were getting ready for my home we have a woodstove...I love it, we burn the wood in the evening and it's cosey and warm...great for the wintertime! I will show you some photo's soon...and I'm also very curious about your black & white pictures of your kids!
Thanks very much for all your sweet comments at my blog, this makes me happy!


atelier cote jardin dijo...

tes roses sont magnifiques ici la saison est finie ,nous entrons dans l'hiver
merci de tes visites
gros bisous

C De-sign dijo...

So beautiful garden and house you have...for me living here up in the north (Sweden) your place seems like a paradis dream to me!!!!!!Well I like Spain, and other counties in Europe, and of course Sweden is also nice.... but we don´t have your climate....have a nice weekend! Gracias y hasta luego! Con cariño de C

Sharon's Cottage Quilts dijo...

Oh Maria, your flowers are Beautiful! How lovely they look in your pitchers and urns and baskets. They are so pretty...and I can almost smell from Iowa!!!
Hee hee!! Bless the work of your hands,

Tatyana@MySecretGarden dijo...

Wonderful! Roses are beautiful, and your arrangements are so lovely!

Vicki Lane dijo...

Such abundance! And I love the different arrangements in the pretty china! And how nice to get a glimpse of your world in the pictures in the sidebar.

If only you could post the roses' scent as well!

Vicki dijo...

Dearest friend, your roses are so wonderful! I can see they are starting to put on a show for you. I love the ways you have them so beautifully displayed with your china pieces! Thank you for sharing with us and also thank you for dropping by Bunny Cottage and for all of your kind comments. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy your garden! Vicki

ale dijo...

querida maría cecilia!!!!!
cuánta belleza en tu jardín!!!!!! y todas esas rosas hermosas en tu casa!!!!!sentir el olor , mirarlas , tenerlas !!! mi sueño!!!!!!!... me encanta la salsera con todas las rosas... cuánta delicadeza,como te digo siempre ...cuánto amor hay en tu casa!!! todo todo es tan hermoso!!! te mando miles miles de besos y que tengas un muy feliz fin de semana lleno de amor y flores!!!!!!!

Les Cotrions dijo...'ve such a gorgeous collection of roses! I must come to visit your garden one can give me some tips...I'm a new gardener! I like your enamel coffee pot...I've one just the belonged to my great-grandmother!
Wish you a nice week end and enjoy your beatiful season!

María Elena dijo...

Hola María Cecilia, cuantas rosas! lograste unos maravillosos arreglos naturales, cuando vi el canasto con flores, quedé encantada, pero después en los jarros enlozados...sólo decir: te felicito.

...con cariño dijo...

María Cecilia ,creo que las rosas nos dan un poema a la vista sólo con mirarlas nos entregan sin hablarnos un mimo o cariño , no estoy loca pero sí soy muy sensible a lo que nos entrega la naturaleza ,y la belleza de las rosas las siento así,con sus bellos colores y aromas ,no dicen ten un lindo día !!muy bellas tus rosas ,cariños para tí ,Pame.

Brenda Pruitt dijo...

Your photos and your flowers are magnificent!

koralee dijo...

So lovely...your garden is amazing. How you arranged all the beauty is stunning!

June dijo...

Oh Maria Cecilia, did I just go to Heaven? Your roses are amazing and all you beautiful arrangements and things you've used as vases are wonderful. Now I can have Summer all year long when I come here!
Thank you so much for this beauty today!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress dijo...

What beautiful roses. They all look so fresh. Your different containers and china look so pretty filled with your flowers.

Julie Harward dijo...

Oh my goodness! My nose is yearning for a smell of your beautiful roses! Each and every picture is so pretty, it makes me crazy! Thank you for the beauty! :D

TheChicGeek dijo...

Ahhhhhh, magnificent roses! So beautiful, Maria Cecilia :)
You have the magic touch in the garden!
Love to you,

maría cecilia dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Draffin Bears dijo...

Hi Maria Cecilia,

thank you very much for sharing your delightful roses with us today.
I adore all the pretty colours and the photos and arrangements.
Must be heavenly walking around the garden and I can only imagine the beautiful fragrance about.

Happy weekend

Alejandra Dorado dijo...

Hola MAria Cecilia!!
Cada vez que entro a tu jardin me enamoro de tus flores, me dan ganas de estar alli oliendo el perfume y viendo esos colores!!!!
Que tengas un lidno fin de semana!!
Un abrazo

Chany dijo...

Que amabbles todas tus palabras, me gustaría saber si pudiste entrar al Store o sea ami tienda, porque muchos dicen que el link no funciona, si entras deja por favor déjame una huellita tuya así sabre que entraste con cariño chany.

este el link

Gracias otra vez con cariño infinito Chany

YUYUY dijo...

Es hermoso tu jardín, bendita tierra que da alegrías en cada flor.

Claudia dijo...

Que lindas flores y que aromas deben tener, hace poco me compré un frasquito de agua de rosas me encanta sentir ese olorcito, tu lo tienes en forma natural y lucen maravillosas en los distintos tiestos en que los has puesto, una bonita decoración, parecen fotografías de revista!, un besito María Cecilia.

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Hoy, se que con tu permiso, me voy a permitir el lujo de coger una rosa de tu jardín y dedicársela en mi blog a alguien muy especial.
Besos. Ana

Autumn Belle dijo...

Very very beautiful roses indeed. You are very good at flower arrangement. The decorations are lovely.

Anabella dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia!! La verdad estoy feliz de haber encontrado tu blog y de conocerte!! Me enamore de tu jardin y de tus rosas!! Tu blog emana...mucho amor!!!
un beso grande

Eliane Zimmermann dijo...

si, que envidia! what lovely roses you have. mine don't grow too well as our soil is very acidic. and the decoration you make with them is so gorgeous! your blog is like a good book from isabel allende: pleno de poesia! muchas gracias!

the gardener's cottage dijo...

hi maria cecilia,

everyone has said it all. your garden is producing breathtaking flowers. your arrangements ~ just beautiful. what beauty!


otoño dijo...

Un poema tus flores, son perfume para el alma, gracias.Que estés bien.Besos.Olga.

Rebecca @ Belle Blog dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia!!
Your roses, and china are always the most beautiful. You are a fabulous photographer. Your photos are stunningly beautiful. I have missed your blog for many days and need to read some more of your lovely posts.
♥ Rebecca

Carole dijo...

Is there anything more beautiful then roses? or more joyous then to pick a bouquet of them?
I was also fascinated by all the california poppies you have. Not always so easy to grow for us or at least in pots to sell. This year I saw some growing along a bank so prolifically it was magnificent.
Thanks for sharing!

Charo dijo...

Son muy hermosas las rosas. La canasta y la cafetera, me encantaron.

Kerabu Jantung dijo...

Flowers are ladies' best friends ,not diamond!!

bikim dijo...

OHHHH! Cecilia! What joy to see soo many beautiful flowers when everything is so naked in europe! what an explosion of colour! loved it!
happy november,

Susie's country cottage dijo...

Hi Maria
Even though I love the run up to Christmas, looking at your blog makes me long for summer to return. It seems such a long time since my garden had lots of flowers in it. I love those roses and the way you've displayed them.

My Castle in Spain dijo...

Holà Maria!
que momento tan encanta! especialmente como pones las rosas en el "sauceboat" (el ultimo plato para salsa...lo siento no sél a palabra en español!)
Te deseo una feliz semana!
un abrazo

Anónimo dijo...

With those roses you talk to my heart ! How nice they are, I can smell them.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog. It is kind of you.
Happe a rosy, nice week.

Tracy Watier dijo...

Hi! I've only recently discovered your blog, but I like it so much already that I've given you an award. Please come to my 11/02 post to see and let yourself be tagged!

Inspired Comblogulations dijo...

So, very beautiful.
Your arrangements could be in magazines. I bet if your garden could talk it would whisper it's love for you.

Cecilia - Titi dijo...

Hola linda, no sabes lop feliz que estoy de VER tus rosas y esos maravilloso enlozados que me vuelven loca jijijiji
Pasaba a saludar y a agradecer tu cariño y apoyo, me senti muy acompañada todos estos días y ya estoy de regreso cada día viendo mejor.
Buena semana y muchos cariños,

Marie dijo...

Beautiful! I agree with all your other commenters!

Rob (ourfrenchgarden) dijo...

What beautiful photos.

The quality of light where you are is fabulous.

A real treat.

Niki Fretwell dijo...

Delicious, delicious, delicious!! Beautiful roses and pretty china - what could be better?!

Ninni dijo...

So fantastic roses!
Do you have summer in Chile now? In Sweden it is autumn, dark and grey. Your photos of all that flowers are just what I need now. They makes me happy :)

Simonetta dijo...

querida Maria Cecilia,

que lindas rosas, fotos,lindas demais!!!
gacias por tu cariño, amistad, tus preciosos comentarios en my blog, que alegria me dió.
besos from rio de janeiro

Anónimo dijo...

The pictures on your blog are beautiful as well. Thank you for visiting my blog too. Warmest wishes!

French-Kissed dijo...

Such beautiful roses from you garden, Maria! And I love all of the bouquets you created. I also like the arbor--it looks like it is made of natural tree branches? Beautiful post!


Francesca dijo...

Beautiful photos! Your flowers are so fabulous!
Francesca from Italy

fantasia dijo...

Adorei o seu blog!!! Mas que bonito!!!! Essas pinturas são lindíssimas, que arte! Parabéns! :)

Deborah at Kilbourne Grove dijo...

Maria Cecilia, first thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments.
Your blog is so beautiful, what wonderful photographs of all your roses. And the photos of your house and garden on the sidebar are fantastic. I will be back to see what else you will be posting.

Suzy's Vintage Attic dijo...

What stunning flowers and all so beautifully displayed! You must have such a pretty garden.
Isabelle x

Ana dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia,
Love your gorgeous roses. They look so beautiful in the basket and in all the other containers. Great job on the pictures too. Have a wonderful day.


yolanda dijo...

Que cesta más bonita, me encanta la mezcla de flores y colores que has conseguido.

Elena Miryam dijo...


maria clara dijo...

hola maria cecilia !!! como estas , gracias por visitarme !!! que presioso jardin es un encanto !! no se puede dejar de mirar , una maravilla !!! te mando un fuerte abrazo !!!

maria clara dijo...

hola maria cecilia , gracias por visitarme !!! que precioso tu jardin es una maravilla , increible !!! dan ganas de quedarse ahi !! te mando un abrazo desde aca!!!

Artemaniacas Maria y Maria dijo...

Hola Cecilia, gracias por tu visita, la verdad que no se porque motivo no te aparece cuando colgamos algo nuevo, igual por ahora vamos a estar unos dias haciendo fiaca ja ja
Tenes tantas cosas lindas en este blog,esas flores, me gustan todas y los arreglos son increibles!Besos

Verónica Isabel Pérez dijo...

Hermosisimas las flores

Anónimo dijo...

What fun it is to be able to visit from across the world. I love your little corner. It reminds me of the hills in Tuscany.

Your photos are beautiful!!

Thank you for your so sweet compliment. I am truly flattered!!

Chany dijo...

desde Argentina se siente el perfume de estas rosas y pasé a decirte que si, que si salió en post en mi Store, gracias. Chany

Simonetta dijo...

vuelvo más una vez para admirar tus rosas,flores,todo, adoro!

Lori dijo...

what a beautiful post...your roses are absolutely stunning...the colors are so pretty, they don't look real...your garden is surely like a little piece of heaven...i love the blue china pieces you have filled with the roses, that is one of the prettiest patterns i have ever seen!!!

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ dijo...

Thank you so much for sharing all this beauty with us from your luscious garden. I think this is great- where I'm at we're going into winter, so coming here to see all of this is wonderful. The things you used to put your flowers in are so pretty. especially the gravy bowl piece. Marie Celcilia you did again which such a lovely post.

Blessings and Joy to You-

☼ Carolina ☼ dijo...

Hola M Cecilia!
gracias por visitarme!!
recién puedo ver TODAS las fotos!! pa ayer estaba medio raro el pc y no las podía ver todas, es q estas de rosas me mataron!! maravillosas!!
ya me hice tu seguidora!! para no perderme estas linduras!!
Gracias por tus palabras,
estaremos en contacto!!

Betsy dijo...

Such gorgeous flowers, I love the arrangements of the roses in the china pieces.
A very pretty blog.

MISUKO dijo...

Gracias Maria Cecilia por tu amable comentario, tu blog es bellísimo, lleno de lindas imágenes. Besos!

VW dijo...

The flowers in the baskets look so silky soft that I wish I was little enough to climb inside and fall asleep on them. I love, love the vibrant colors on your blog - especially since my garden is grey and brown right now and will be for the next 5 months.

Mirian Decorações dijo...

Olá Maria Cecilia,

Que legal ter você, com tão bom gosto como seguidora!
Sempre quis ter um roseiral em meu jardim, e vendo seu Blog, esse querer se tornou mais intenso. Já estou providenciando um espaço para as rosas.
Sem falar nas outras flores que há em seu jardim.
Você mora em um paraiso!!!

Grande abraço,
Mirian, Paraná - Sul do Brasil.

C. Tvillingmamma dijo...


Florerias En El Df dijo...

Wow these pics are so lush and splendid! Thanks for providing some visual relief over here.