Casa Dulce Hogar.... Bienvenidos

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lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

Rosas de mi jardín para todas mis amigas... Roses from my garden for all my friends.

Estoy muy agradecida de todas las amistades que he hecho a través del blog y de los dulces comentarios que recibo y me gustaría hacerles llegar a cada una un ramo de flores de mi jardín, aunque sea de forma virtual...

  I´m very grateful for all friends I have made through blogging and for all the sweet comments I have received, and I would like to give each one of you a flower bouquet from my garden, although it is in a virtual form.

57 comentarios:

atelier cote jardin dijo...

MERCI d'etre passée , j'adore tes photos de fleursquels beaux modèle pour faire des tableaux

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress dijo...

Thank you for such a pretty sight first thing in the morning! Your flowers are always so fresh and pretty. All the arrangements are so nice I couldn't choose just one, I'd want them all :)

Claudia... dijo...

Gracias Maria verdad que ver las flores que tienes en tu jardin es un lindo regalo..cada vez que vengo a mirar me delito con la belleza de tus flores...
te mando un abrazo bien apretao...
que tengas una linda y buena semana..

Vicki Lane dijo...

Muchas gracias! Such a pleasure on a gray November day!

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Yo cojo una de tus flores, ya es la segunda este mes..., y aprovecho para darte las GRACIAS por tus cariñosísimas palabras y por estar siempre ahí, tan lejos y tan cerca a la vez. Sólo con ver tu nombre en mis entradas ya me sonrío...
Un beso y "muchos cariños". Ana.

Romi dijo...

¡Cuánta belleza! Un saludito!

ale dijo...

querida maría cecilia!!!!
GRACIASSSSSS!!!! tanta hermosura la atesoro en mí corazón al igual que tus siempre palabras tan cariñosas y sensibles!!!! hermosura total vos y tu blog!!!!!
besos y abrazos gigantes!!!!!!!

...con cariño dijo...

Gracias maría Cecilia ,ya con estas flores me alegraste la semana,con sus colores tan alegres y variados ,me has regalado mucha inspiración,que tengas linda semana,cariños para tí ,Pame.

Inma dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia como siempre maravillosas tus flores, a mí me encantan las margaritas (con tu permiso claro). Gracias por estas estampas que nos regalas.
Un besote enorme.

Cecilia - Titi dijo...

Acepto el regalo feliz, tus folres son maravillosas y sus jarrones aún más :)
Me gusto eso de jarro blanco con negro mmmmmm creo que hare algo así, tengo 15 para pintar.
Besos y linda semana,

Julie Harward dijo...

The beauty of this blog and your sweet soul are beyond this earth...all of it and you, are indeed Heavenly my friend!
I'm having a GIVE A WAY..Come say hi :D

Stella dijo...

Thank you for sharing all the lovely flowers. I especially like the white Calla Lilly in the old metal vase.

ESTELA dijo...

Gracias!! No dudo de que tus flores deben ser preciosas, pero tambien estoy viendo que sos una magnifica fotografa, por lo tanto tambien es merito suyo!!

Un besoo

Sreelu dijo...


How beautiful thank you for the lovely gift.
Have a nice day

Deborah at Kilbourne Grove dijo...

Thank you for such a beautiful sight! They are all lovely.

Ana dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia,
I consider myself very bless to have met so many wonderful people through Blog World and I am very happy to say that you are one of them. I will gratefully accept one of your gorgeous flower arrangements because I consider us friends. Thank you so very much. Have a wonderful day.


Gabriela dijo...

que flores mas lindas

Anabella dijo...

Hola Mery!! La verdad q hace poco q conozco tu blog, pero me encanta visitarte...tus flores y tu jardin son UNA MERAVILLA!! y tb ME ENCANTA Q ME VISITES!!
un beso grande desde Roma

Anónimo dijo...

What beautiful flowers...thank you! I have enjoyed ~

María Elena dijo...

Hola María Cecilia, hermoso y delicado regalo de tu parte. Admiro la facilidad que tienes de improvisar floreros y elegirlos elegantemente.
Que tengas una buena semana.

☼ Carolina ☼ dijo...

Gracias por el ramo querida!
realmente tus flores y cómo tú las presentas son una maravilla!
una bendición para nuestros ojos!!
gracias a ti por compartir tu arte,
te felicito

Vicki dijo...

Oh, my sweet friend, Maria Cecilia, thank you so much! I gladly accept a beautiful bouquet from your garden!! Thank you for such loveliness! Vicki

the gardener's cottage dijo...

Hi Maria Cecilia,

I should thank you for all the beauty you bring into my life half way around the world. I am grateful to be able to call you my friend.


p.s. You are welcome anytime to my little home. I will make you a feast!

Inspired Comblogulations dijo...

Thank you so much for the lovely flowers... how do you do it?
As always you put a fragrant flower in my day!
I love coming here.

Your comments are so sweet!

Les Cotrions dijo...

Waw! I've never received so many stunning flowers and in so marvellous pots!!!
Thank you my friend!!!!
Big hugs

Claudia dijo...

Que más te puedo decir María Cecilia, "ma-ra-vi-llo-so", cada presentación es un deleite para nuestros ojos, que tengas buena semana, besos.

Charo dijo...

Muchas gracias Maria Cecilia, las flores estan hermosas, que delicadeza la tuya.
Gracias amiga!!!

Rosy Inspiration dijo...

Even seeing virtual flowers makes me happy, yours are full of colours and vibrance. Did I tell you your garden is gorgeous? Have a beaut day!

TheChicGeek dijo...

Maria Cecilia, thank you! This is the most beautiful gift ever. You have such an artistic talent in arranging your beautiful flowers. I come here, I smile, I feel so happy!
Thank you!
Hugs to You, Maria Cecilia :)

Lori dijo...

so beautiful...your flowers and the way you display them are beyond is always so pretty over here...such a treat for the eyes...thank you:)

French-Kissed dijo...

Thank you so much for the beautiful delivery of flowers from your garden. I also love all of the pretty cups, pitchers and bowls holding them. What an impressive collection of flowers and dishes.


June dijo...

Hello maria Cecilia,
You take the most beautiful pictures of your flowers. What you photogragh them in is so pretty. I am so inspired by your beautiful blog.

Anónimo dijo...

Thank you so very much. I wish they were sitting on my dining room table. I'd love the the fragrance to fill the room. Sweet hugs to you.

Anónimo dijo...

Thank you for the bouquets, Maria Cecila. It is so kind of you and thank you again for your kind comments. I do not know if I deserve them. Have a nice week, my dear.

Claudia dijo...

María Cecilia, más tarde te envío un email, ahora salgo rapidito a una diligencia, gracias por tu comentario, besos.


Hola Maria Cecilia,
Your flower-pictures are stunning. Oh I also adore roses, my favorits are historic roses and my darlings are Mme Hardy and Souvenier de la Malmaison. But every rose makes my day. On my picture (on my porch) I decorated the Heritage Rose. She is still bloming in my garden. Even the autumn is getting colder every day. Thank you so much for your compliments. But I really have to say that I love your blog too and your flowers are so uplifting and full of life... Wish you a beautiful time, greetings Mira!

koralee dijo...

your collection of china is amazingly beautiful and so lovely with all your beautiful garden flowers. Thank you for visiting me the other day!

Brenda Pruitt dijo...

And I sure thank you for such abundant beauty! It took my breath away, seeing these pretty bouquets!

Draffin Bears dijo...

thank you so much Maria Cecilia, your flowers are absolutely beautiful as is you wonderful collection of china and jugs. You blog is lovely.

Have a wonderful week

Anónimo dijo...

Thank you for the flowers even if they are virtual!! Your pictures are wonderful and the dishes--- oh my they would fit right in with my lil collection!!


H elle K dijo...

Lovly. Have a nice day.

Denise Auras dijo...

Que kindas as fotos,maravilhosas!!!!

Cecilia dijo...

Thank you. I vish I cold smell all your roses.

yolanda dijo...

Me encantan las calas, creo que son mis flores favoritas. Una pena,pero la mía ya no me dara flores hasta la primavera, joo con lo que me gustan .

Duchess of Tea dijo...

Darling, this post is even more beautiful then the last one. I love all the vases, cups, bowls and everything else you have displayed, enjoy them my luv.

Love & Hugs

Sharon's Cottage Quilts dijo...

Oh Sweet Maria! Thank you for the beautiful virtual bouquet!! The flowers are lovely...I wish I were there in person to smell the fragrance, but each time I visit your magnificent garden I can imagine the fragrance!! Truly I can! You are a beautiful flower too, friend!

*Ulrike* dijo...

Simply beautiful, and that you put it all together for us makes us feel very special!
Thank you!

verveine sauvage dijo...

Muchas gracias para las flores, el viajo hasta el sueno y los fotos con poésia....

Simonetta dijo...

que lindo, que lindo, que lindo!!!
meu coração sempre bate mais rápido quando passeio no seu jardim.é muita beleza e pensar que é você, Maria Cecília, que cria e cuida disso tudo. es un placer imenso te conocer!

Marie dijo...

Thank you. What a lovely surprise.

Ninni dijo...

Wonderful photos! You make me so very happy with all your beautiful flowers and sweet comments!
Best regards

Carolyn dijo...

I would be happy with anyone of those beautiful bouquets. I love how you photograph all the beauty around you.
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog.
Take care,

Unknown dijo...

Querida María Cecilia

me perdone por esta demora a volver a su blog y no sé cómo darle gracias por su presencia hermosa y notable en nuestro espacio.

Usted me preguntó cómo me encontré con su blog.Bueno querida, la sensibilidad atrae la sensibilidad.

Su blog es hermoso. Usted, su hogar, sus hijos y que hermoso su pequeño nietito. Tengo dos hijos y solo ayer recibí la noticia de que seré abuela.Usted puede imaginar cómo me siento.

Quedé muy feliz de haber disfrutado de la entrada acerca de la creatividad y saber acerca de su família.Gracias con todo mi corazon.

Un beso grande,


PS: Perdoname por el español.Hace mucho que non lo pratico.

Cindy dijo...

Wow, so pretty!

Eliane Zimmermann dijo...

thank you for the compassion about my lost laptop. i am learning to deal with my friend's windows computer to survive the next 9 days travelling around! i didn't realize i was so addicted to my apple laptop! great roses again arranged in a really gorgeous way! and thank you for the lovely bunch of flowers from your lst post. cheers from beautiful vienna! eliane

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Ay María Cecilia, así que ya tienes muchos cachureos en casa. Qué palabras tan bonitas se aprenden por aquí. Espero que no se me olviden. Qué tengas una semana Caballo. Miles de besos para ti. Ana

Stella dijo...

Thank you for sharing the beautiful roses. You do such a wonderful job of making them come to life. I am going to check I am hoping this rose will grow in my garden. Thank you for sharing.