Casa Dulce Hogar.... Bienvenidos

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viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Más flores alrededor de mi casa.... Some more flowers around my house.

Jazmín poliantus en plena floración, todo el jardín está endulzado por su perfume  ....Jazmin polianthus in full bloom, the garden is sweetened by its perfume.

Las últimas camelias de la temporada... Last camelias of the season.

Algunos lirios comienzan a florecer, otros ya terminaron su floración... Some irises are beginning to bloom, others are finishing.

Un dulce ángel me ayuda en el jardín, es mi nieto de un año...  A sweet angel has come to help me with the garden, he´s my one year old grandson.

49 comentarios:

Marie dijo...

The beautiful boy outshines all the flowers. Thank you for including that delightful picture.

The aroma of jasmine is wonderful. I wish I could grow it in my garden but it is too cold here.

ESTELA dijo...

Solo tu nieto oparia ese hermoso jardin... Cuanto debe disfrutar ahi..

Vicki dijo...

Hello, Maria Cecilia,
Your garden must smell like heaven! Everything is so very beautiful. How I love those irises. Your grandson is so precious, and I can see you are teaching him to be a gardener! Blessings to you, dear friend! Vicki

Ana dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia,
Your garden is gorgeous. I am so jealous! And your little grandson is a sweet. Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden and flowers. They sure have brighten my day. Have a wonderful weekend.


Julie Harward dijo...

Hi again Marie~
I love your home, it is most beautiful..I LOVE the colors! So many have all white everything...I love color..I need color. I think Heaven has much color too, it livens us!
I love much too..I'll bet your place smells SO good. You have flowers and I have Fall leaves and winter just around the corner. I wish I could come visit you and you could come visit me!
Thank you for your beautiful blog!

Een sneller kloppend hart dijo...

What a wonderful grandson you have!
I am totaly in love with your house and your garden, the flowers are so beautiful and a very nice coincidence is that my middle name is: Iris! and my daughters name is: Jasmine!
Isn't that funny? :)
I hope you will enjoy this garden for a long long's really wonderful!

Warm regards from Holland..


Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Hola María Cecilia, ¡Qué maravilla!. Lo que yo encuentro por la red tu lo tienes en tu casa, cualquier día te toma algo prestado, con tu permiso claro. Felicidades por ese peque tan guapo. No me cansaré de decir que tienes una casa preciosa. Enhorabuena. Un beso con cariño, Ana

María Elena dijo...

Hola María Cecilia, he disfrutado viendo las camelias y los lirios, con su aire de planta silvestre. Me encantan los jazmines, me gusta ver como abarcan gran parte de los muros, recién esta semana comenzamos a arreglar el jardín y mis plantas están luciendo bellas nuevamente. Con tu nieto cerca igual haces harto en tu jardín.

Claudia dijo...

Cecilia todo tu jardín es un paraíso, incluído "el angelito", que lindo!. Se ve tu mano femenina y mucha dedicación, un beso.

Charo dijo...

Tu jardin es hermoso, y las flores ni se diga. Felicitaciones por tu gracioso nietecito.

the gardener's cottage dijo...

Good morning Maria Cecilia,

What beautiful pictures of your garden. The camelias are gorgeous. And I see you are a grandmother too. My grand daughter will be visiting me today. She will be 3 next month. She loves to spend time with me in the garden picking flowers and chasing squirrels. It is the best.

Have a wonderful day,


koralee dijo...

Oh how I love love love your garden..and that blue garden gate is especially lovely. Enjoy this weekend and thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog!

kristinco dijo...

Dans ton jardin on est encore à la belle saison ... ici les températures ont chûté et j'ai allumé pour la première fois un feu de cheminée !!! Bon week-end !

June dijo...

Maria Cecilia your garden is amazing and I'm so enchanted by it. You live in beauty and I bet you are so thankful. I loved seeing your sweet little g-son. How much joy he must bring you.
Thank you so much for the beautiful message you left for me today. I am so touched by your words.

TheChicGeek dijo...

Oh, Maria, your home is so beautiful and your grandson, awwww, so precious. It looks like a magical paradise where you are. I don't think I'd ever leave! It is so good to see you back! I come back from vacation tomorrow but I couldn't resist coming by to thank you for your visit and welcome you back to blogland :D

Big Hugs!

Rebecca @ Belle Blog dijo...

beautiful as always. your Grandson is a cutie~pie!!
♥ Rebecca

Cecilia - Titi dijo...

Drefinitivamente me quedo con el ángel es hermoso, felicitaciones debe darte muchas alegrías. El jardín y las flores y plantas maravilloso, felicitaciones.

Eliane Zimmermann dijo...

que casa linda, que flores lindas, que blog lindo!!! one day i will go back to chile and admire the country where i was born 50 years ago. i have been living in ireland for the last 10 years and we have plenty of native chilean plants growing in our waste garden by the atlantic ocean. my father had worked at the german embassy in santiago at the time of my birth so i became chilena! later i spent some years in brasil where my dad lives now. i simply love la america latina! besos eliane

florence dijo...

Muy difficil imaginar que tu es en Temporada, cuando estamos entrando en el Autumne ! frio despus de un verano muy caliente !

otoño dijo...

Cecilia me encantó tu blog , tienes un maravilloso jardín.Besos.Olga.

otoño dijo...

Gracias por tu visita y diste en el clavo ese es el blog que uso, y que puedo decirte de las playas, son una belleza aunque no las visito porque con el calor me pongo mal.Tu nieto un primor.Besos.Olga.

elmundodetrapito dijo...


Claudia... dijo...

Wuauuu que lindo ese angelito...jiji
tus flores y plantas me encantan..tenemos algunas en comun...
sabes tengo en mi jardin el Jazmin y tengo mucho..donde su perfume se concentra dentro de la casa y es tanto que huele a pis...siii pis...sere yo que lo encuentro con ese olor..? sera mucho jazmin?..ufff hasta he pensado en sacarlo..jajaja
Mis camelias estan como las tuyas..ya floreciendo las ultimas...
a ver si algun dia hablamos mas de plantas..
que tengas una linda semana
un abrazo

Rosy Inspiration dijo...

You have a lovely garden and house.Thanks for sharing.

manon 21 dijo...

belle ballade sur ton blog.


Patsi dijo...

Love your pictures on your side bar....everything is so colorful.
Great eye candy !
I'm trying to figire out were you're from. I'll have to look again later. Fun visiting you.

Sharon's Cottage Quilts dijo...

Maria, what a marvelous garden! It is like Eden really! And your grandson is adorably handsome!! Thank you for your kind words. I can't wait to see what you have for us next! What a photographer you are!!! Blessings Sweet Lady! Sharon

Brenda Pruitt dijo...

Wow! Your home and gardens are just beautiful! Those camellias, so delicate and delightful! (Yes, I'm using the new camera.)

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress dijo...

What a beautiful place you live in. The flowers are so pretty right now. Your grandson is very cute and I bet he was lots of help :)

maría cecilia dijo...

For Rosy, I´m trying to visit your blog but there´s something wrong on your link. Hope you can manage this problem so everybody can go to your blog.
María Cecilia

Cecilia dijo...

Your garden is realy beutiful with all that flowers and your grandson is so sweet.

Mandarine D'Italie dijo...

Ah mia cara, thank you ever so much for your invite - which is very much appreciated!! Thank you to invite me to your amazing garden- I have enjoyed looking at your lovely flowers and it has refresh my memories of my summer in Italy... thank you !!

I know what u mean about the internet - sometimes we just need to sit down and enjoy what sorround us, family, nature.. simple things!

Lots of love


casa nostra dijo...

thank you maria for your interesting. i had some problems with the internet, that's why i didn't post on my blog, but this week i will post again.
i just saw some pictures of your garden and it is so beautiful!!! i like it very much.

Magdalena dijo...

...tienes muy linda casa...y precioso jardin! y el bebe es la flor mas linda de tu jardin...
Abrazo grande
Magdalena/Color Sepia

Draffin Bears dijo...

Hi Maria Cecila,

I have just discovered your beautiful blog, via Jeramaine's.
What a darling little boy and your garden is wonderful.
Thank you, this made my day.


☼ Carolina ☼ dijo...

Hola, que maravillas las fotos!!
que bello es tu blog!!
Te traigo una invitación:
Tengo un post con enlace, para participar en un Intercambio de navidad, es bien entretenido!
anda a verlo!!

Sreelu dijo...

Marcia, what a beautiful garden you have, wish I could smell those jasmine. Lovely blog, I am so glad you liked mine and thanks for your generous comments.

Anónimo dijo...

It is a pleasure to scroll down your blog.
How kind of you to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you. Bonjour de France !

Carolyn dijo...

Hi Maria Cecilia,
I really love your home and garden! The jasmine growing by our home is beautiful. It is too cold here to grow them-camilla's too.Nice to have a cute little garden helper too.
Take care,

...con cariño dijo...

Que belleza !!gracias por este regalo a la vista y todo está en la naturaleza de tu jardín ,que bendición con ese angelito hermoso que tienes,cariños Pame.

Hat Lady dijo...

Hola, acabo de descubrir tu blog; tus flores son una bocanada de aire fresco para el otoño español

Artemaniacas Maria y Maria dijo...

Hola Maria Cecilia, tus flores son una maravilla,cada dia me gustan mas!!!Maria

Bleudelavande dijo...

Wooowww Maria Cecilia everything is so beautiful in your garden!!! Have a nice day

Unseen India Tours dijo...

Some really beautiful and fantastic shots !! Nice post !! Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

Les Cotrions dijo...

Oh my God! What a marvellous garden you have! It's triumph of nature! We are in Autumn now and gardens are resting! You have a faboulous grandson! I adore toddlers!
Have a nice day and enjoy your stunning flowers!

Urban Green dijo...

I'm totally hooked to your blog. Brilliant stuff! Keep posting more.

Lori dijo...

Maria, your grandson is adorable...what a gorgeous garden you have...and it looks so beautiful where you are too...the views you have are spectacular...thanks so much for stopping over to visit with me:)

A Seaside House dijo...

Your garden is lovely! Have a nice weekend:)

dollystar dijo...

quanta exuberância nesses jardins, simplesmente divinos! parabéns