Casa Dulce Hogar.... Bienvenidos

Translate my blog

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

Tesoros del mercado de las pulgas y flores... Flea market treasures and flowers.

61 comentarios:

Denise Kiggan dijo...

Thanks for popping in to my blog - It is lovely to have a look around yours. Nice to meet someone else in the Southern Hemisphere. I guess it's also Spring there now too!

n o r d i n g å r d e n dijo...

What old-fashioned romantic blog, so very beautiful to watch ..
And the painting, so beautiful!

Good morning! Mari.

mademoisellealex dijo...

que lindas cosas, llegue aqui por otro blog, y hay cositas muy bellas

un besito desde Paris !!

Hanna dijo...

You have a very beautiful blog. Even though I don't speak Spanish, I enjoy the pictures.

Debbies-English-Treasures dijo...

L.O.V.E your new/vintage treasures...
Specially that picture. So adorable!


Brenda Pruitt dijo...

The have the most beautiful images on your blog! So lovely to gaze at.

Charo dijo...

Grandes tesoros, me encanta el cuadro y el azafate.

My Castle in Spain dijo...

hola Maria,
que cosas tan lindas !tambien a mi me encanta ir a mercados de pulgas.

Quiero darte las gracias por tus palabras de apoyo y amistad y visitar mi blog.
Ya estoy un poco mejor y puedo visitar tu casa tan encantadora !
Un abrazo muy fuerte

Cecilia - Titi dijo...

Tus tesoros son hermoso, te felicito.
Muy buen fin de semana y Feliz 18.

the gardeners cottage dijo...

Hi Maria Cecilia,

I just love your finds. Especially the green tray w/daisies. I can tell that you are such a romantic at heart. Everything you do looks like it is done w/love.

Unknown dijo...

Hello Maria
Thank you for yuor nice comment....I like your blogg so much. Nice rosecups and old postcards.
I have tryed to get the translation on my pages but it was a bit difficult.....I´l try agin.
Love ....Ellen

koralee dijo...

Oh I am in love with that pale blue cup and so lovely. Your images are always so amazing..thank you for sharing all your treasures with us!

Magdalena dijo...

gracias por tus lindas palabras en Color Sepia...
Muy lindas cositas encontraste en el mercado...el post anterior me encanto...muy lindo el candelabro pero aún mas me gusta el suelo de ceramica...esta bonisimo!!
Magdalena/Color Sepia

Les Cotrions dijo...

Thank you for your nice visit and comment! Oh my've a faboulous enamelware collection!!! I'm gelous!!! Nice blog you have! You seem to live in a stunning place!
Happy week end!

Bonjade dijo...

Oh I love thos little vintage children.....
Such beautiful pictures.
Nice weekend

yolanda dijo...

Me encantan los mercadillos y la senación de ir a la busqueda del tesoro.

Autumn Belle dijo...

I love the pictures, art and the pastel colours of your blog. The two kids are so cute and together they exude happiness and give life to the picture.

*Ulrike* dijo...

Your blog is very enjoyable to look at. I liked looking at all of your flea market treasures wishing I could find some like that!

Chany dijo...

Preciosos tesoros adorables, y mira en donde los has encontrado, que bueno!!

Hasta pronto Chany.-

Ninni dijo...

Beleza! Eu adoro voce blog! I really like what I see. Nice old things together with flowers.
You know, I have just moved to Sweden after living in Brasil for two years. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Green thumb dijo...

Hi Maria, thanks for stopping by my blog. Its truly a joy visiting your blog! The china collection, or treasure I must say, is amazing. Thanks for sharing

H elle K dijo...

What a beautiful blog. Thanks for visiting mee. Even though i dont speak Spanish, i enjoy the pictures. Have a nice day. Kristin

Chany dijo...

Preciosa amiga mia, gracias por tu visita, y por tus palabras, tu jardín es un sueño, yo vivo por cuestiones laborales en sexto piso de la ciudad de Córdoba, pero tengo un balcón florecido de eugenias, saludos, Chany.-

June dijo...

Hello Maria Cecilia,
I think you found some wonderful treasures on your trip to the flea market. I love it all and every bit of it is stuff I love. That white enamel bucket is wonderful.

Thank you for your lovely words that you left for me. They made my whole day...again.

Anónimo dijo...

Hai, thank you for leaving a message. I installated the google translation tool. So I hope, now you can understand more of my blog. Thanks for the advice!

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Qué cosas tan bonitas. Como siempre... ¿Qué tal por esa parte del mundo? Un beso, Ana

Claudia dijo...

Es un disfrute recorrer las ferias de las pulgas, hay tantas cosas lindas, me llena de nostalgia cuando me doy esos paseos por Valparaíso. Preciosos tus tesoros, me encantaron las imágenes de los niños, que tengas buena semana.

French-Kissed dijo...

I just got caught up on your last few posts and I am always delighted by images of your beautiful garden and your many beautiful treasures. You could have quite a tea party with all of your pretty tea cups and dishes. And the gorgeous pitches are perfect for displaying flowers from you garden.

Confessions of a Plate Addict dijo...

What beautiful treasures you found! I love the teacups and that painting is gorgeous!! Your blog is so pretty! Such lovely photos! Lo siento. No hablo espagnol :-(
Have a wonderful week!...Debbie

Lori dijo...

what a lovely looks like you were treasure hunting and found a lot of gorgeous goodies...thanks for stopping over to visit me:)

Suzy's Vintage Attic dijo...

What lovely flea market finds!
I really like the door, is that in your house?
I hope that you had a good weekend
Isabelle x

TheChicGeek dijo...

Beautiful finds, Maria! I love them! You have a good eye :D

Have a Happy Day!

Marina Capano dijo...

Hola!!! que encantadoras imagenes!!

un gusto visitar tu blog, maravilloso!


BellaRosa dijo...

Que bello blog. I love your blog, it is so pretty, I had to become a follower :) looking forward to more visits...Rose

Susie's country cottage dijo...

You have found some lovely things at the flea market. I love the tea cups.

lotusleaf dijo...

Hello Maria! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Please visit again. I liked the beautiful painting and objects from the Flea market.

Alejandra Dorado dijo...

hOla Maria Cecilia!!!
Gracias por tu comentario, que raro que no conozcas la flor de Rosa mosqueta, pensé que ne Chile habia.
Me encantan estas cosas que rescataste dle mercado de Pulgas... adoro los mercados siempre se pueden encontrar grandes tesoros!!
Un abrazo!1

Sunita Mohan dijo...

What a treasury of pretty things! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leading me here.

Stine dijo...

Hi! Thank you for commenting on my blog :) So fun with the blog world, and that I have readers from all over the world! Have a wonderful weekend :)

Love, Stine

les fifoles dijo...

Thank you Maria for your visit. The magical web... somebody is watching my pictures from the other side of the world...and now somebody is admiring yours from Switzerland!

A bientôt. Anne

El taller de Curra - Cartonnage dijo...

Que cosas más bonitas.. felicidades por tu blog..!!! me ha encantado

Les Cotrions dijo...

Hello! Wish you a nice week end!

Yvonne dijo...

What a wonderful treasures you found on the flea market !!
Have a nice weekend !
Greets Yvonne

Mary dijo...

I am just catching up on my reading and have seen the terrible flooding that you everything all right with you?

Cecilia dijo...

Hallo Maria!
Thank you for your visit and your nice comment.
I like your blog very much ...the flowers and old fashion stile.

Confessions of a Plate Addict dijo...

Me again! I was wrong. It's imitar! I need to learn Spanish!...Debbie

Rosita dijo...

Muy hermoso tu blog y todos tus tesoros, comparto muchos de tus gustos.
Saludos desde Concepción,

...con cariño dijo...

te dejo un saludo primaveral ,y que tengas una linda semana ,cariños Pame.

basiclabelSweden dijo...

Beautiful romantics....... love the colours.......

My dauther is learning Spanisch now, so maby one day she will learn it to my!

Lots off love

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Ay, María Cecilia, que ya veo que no me he explicado bien, el broche se lo regalon a mi hija en una boda que estuvimos este verano. Puff!! que va, todavía me queda mucho para celebraciones de ese tipo en mi casa. Besos.

Simonetta dijo...

Maria Cecilia,
no me recuerdo como llegè a tu dulce hogar por la primera vez. lo cierto es que me encantaran tus fotos, casa, jardin y que dedicas el blog a tu marido. tan sensillo todo.las violas enanas me enloquecieron,no las conocia, solamente las tadicionales que no se encuentran acá donde vivo,en rio de janeiro. thank's a lot for all these beautiful sharings.

thegardenerscottage dijo...

Hi Maria Cecilia,

I have awarded you the Honest Scrap Award. Please go to my blog to check out the rules to follow. It's easy & you deserve it.


Tracy Watier dijo...

What a beautiful blog! Found you at Janet's Gardener's Cottage. I'm going to visit you often to see your pretty posts and practice my Spanish!

YUYUY dijo...

Me encantan los mercados de antigüedades, me gusta encontrar objetos que guardan secretos e historias, cosas que parecieran inservibles, pero que dejan de serlo cuando los miramos con curiosidad, asombro y aprecio.
Me gusta el contenido de tu blog.

Susie's country cottage dijo...

Hello Maria
I just dropped by to let you know that I have left a little something for you over at my blog!
Best wishes

Susie's country cottage dijo...

Hello again
I just came over to let you know that I have left you an award over at my blog. I think you really deserve it for having such a beautiful blog.

Rebecca @ Belle Blog dijo...

Hi Maria Cecilia. Sorry I haven't had much chance to visit your beautiful blog lately. I have been at work too much. I am going to read more of your pretty posts and see what you have been doing lately.
♥ Rebecca

Claudia... dijo...

Que cosas mas lindasss..!!!!
ahh quiero ir a ese mercado de las pulgas...jiji que tengas un lindo dia..
un abrazo..

Con encanto - Ana dijo...

Pasaba por aquí para saludarte, ¿para cuando una nueva entrada? ya se te echa de menos. Un saludo, ana

Fabiolablog dijo...

hola maria ceclia es primera vez que me encuentro con este tesoro de blog verdad que las fotografias son hermosas y logra trasmitir todos esos colores ...y eso de desicado a mi esposo me encanto muy romántico ..muy lindo todo yo soy de iquique un abrazo ...faby

celiabe dijo...

Lindisimas imagenes,tanto color ,tanto detalle.Lindisimo de verdad¡¡
Saludos Celia de Uruguay