Casa Dulce Hogar.... Bienvenidos

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sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

De mi jardín... From my garden.

Los aromos están espectaculares este año. This year Aromo trees are spectacular.

Narcisos. Daffodils.

Estos maceteros contienen una variedad de Jazmin cuyas flores aparecen en Octubre y tienen un perfume muy dulce. These pots contain a Jasmin variety, flower´s perfume is very sweet and they bloom in October.

4 comentarios:

Yvonne dijo...

Cara Marìa Cecilia
Thank you for visiting my blog and for showing us your lovely house and garden. To live and garden at 1,000mt is quite something!
It would be wonderful if you could join us Garden Bloggers for the monthly Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. It is very easy: all you do is on the 15th day of each month go out into the garden and take a photograph of whatever in flowering; post it on your blog then click the link on Carol's website:
Hundreds of gardeners participate all over the world so it would be a great way to introduce your blog to new friends.
We would be fascinated to see what is blooming in the other half of the world - winter to our summer and so on.
PS Your English is very good!

Marie dijo...

You have a beautiful home and garden. It's a pleasure to meet a gardener from South America. I look forward to reading about your plants and garden. Good luck!

the gardeners cottage dijo...

Maria Cecilia,

What year was your home built? It looks so lovely up in the hills!


María Cecilia dijo...

Hi Janet, we have this house since 1993, and in the year 2002 we went through a whole remodeling and enlarging process that took one and a half years. It was a huge work involved and still it is not completely done. This is a very big house.
I don´t know where to answer your question so I´m doing it here... hope you see it.
Thanks for leaving a comment.
María Cecilia.